EasyNAT Nucleic Acid Amplification and Detection Analyzer
EasyNAT Real-Time Molecular Diagnostic System
EasyNAT Quanttro, Octo and Sedicimo (16 modules)
Multi-module POCT system does the nucleic acid extraction, amplification and detection in one equipment.

The EasyNAT® System is based on three-stage magnetic conductivity extraction technology and patented Cross Priming Amplification Technology. The system is available in a 2, 4, 8 or 16-module configuration and use the patented reagent vitrification technology for every EasyNAT test.

Core Technologies
Cross Priming Isothermal Amplification Technology (CPA)
Reagent Vitrification Technology
Advantages Compared to GeneXpert, Filmarray, IdNow, MiDiagnostics
Accurate: High-sensitivity,High-specificity,LoD: 200 copies/mL
Faster:49 minutes “samples in result out” for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis
POCT: Automatic integration of nucleic acid extraction, amplification and detection
Safe:Patented cartridge design,Closed testing,No cross-contamination
Simple: One-button operation
- Easy transportation: Vitrified preloaded cartridge,Ambient temperature transportation (-25℃-30℃)
- Price is very competetive, through the Gentaur Genprice group Sars Cov-2 tests are sold as low as 9 USD a test in boxes of 20 / 180 USD only
EasyNat is price leader in POCT Pcr detection while Midiagnostics is speed leader with 11 minutes for a test tells Lieven Gevaert, Molecular Diagnostics advisor at Gentaur Genprice.